Yes, You Still Need Sunscreen During a Polar Vortex

Being a very open about my skincare obsession means people often ask questions along the lines of, “How can I prevent wrinkles?” or “What’s the one product I need?” Sunscreen is always my answer, which gets many unapproving reactions. Most people don’t like the goopy feel and how it seems to clog pores with its usual chemical smell, so they only use sunscreen when they’re at the beach or in direct sun. Unfortunately, it takes consistent use to prevent future damage from UVA/UVB rays and also shield against free radicals that can clog skin and make it look dull. Sunscreens carry a hefty load, so I’ve compiled a list of my favorite sunscreens to keep you protected no matter what the weather looks like outside.

For people who want something easy to find

I’ve raved about the Farmacy sunscreen before and I don’t plan on stopping anytime soon. It doesn’t have an overly sunscreen-y smell and isn’t too heavy, even when it’s hot and muggy in the North Carolina summers. The fact it can be easily picked up at any Sephora makes it a complete win.

For people with darker skin tones

The Glossier sunscreen is completely clear, smells amazing, and only costs $25. I don’t see what there is not to like. My public service announcement (especially for people with darker skin tones who are tired of sunscreens washing them out) is to TRY IT.

For people who want an all-in-one

First off, Suntegrity’s founder lost her mom to skin cancer, which creates a beautiful brand story that I feel good about supporting by buying the Suntegrity Moisturizing Face Sunscreen and Primer. Secondly, the smell is fresh and clean. Sunscreen smells are apparently very important to me!!! Also, it’s moisturizing enough to leave my skin with a nice sheen that looks beautiful under the Kjaer Weis Cream Foundation. If you know anything about that foundation, it’s that you absolutely must have a moisturizing base for it to blend and this sunscreen seriously delivers. This one is my absolute favorite, but I must admit it looks very white upon application. Warm up your hands and massage in for it to disappear.

A Post-Valentine's Day Weekend Thought

An Evening with Kjaer Weis