A Very Last-Minute Note About Giving Tuesday

On Thanksgiving, we give thanks; on Black Friday, we line up outside stores for the best deals; and on Cyber Monday, we wait at our computers until 12:01 am for the discounts to begin online. The Tuesday after all this, we atone for our buying purge sins and give. Happy Giving Tuesday! If you’ve never heard of Giving Tuesday, it’s an internationally recognized day of giving to a charitable organization you care about to start off the holiday season right and put everyone in the spirit of spreading happiness and wealth. Not that those two are synonymous. I encourage you, with the last few minutes of Giving Tuesday, to find an organization you care about and give online. If you need some suggestions, here’s where I gave:

PERIOD. The Menstrual Movement

Have you ever seen that YouTube video where homeless women talk about what they have to go through while on their periods? Some have to use socks, as they are reusable, some beg for extra money so they can buy themselves period products, and some have no choice but to free bleed. I can’t imagine ever having to make the choice between getting a meal and getting some pads, and neither can PERIOD.. The movement helps homeless women by giving them packs of period necessities so they won’t have to worry about something most of us take for granted. It’s only $24 to sponsor products for someone for a whole year! Bonus, if you’re near a chapter, you can give directly to them through the PERIOD. website, so you’ll be helping people in your own community. Since I go to NC State University, I gave to this chapter!

Planned Parenthood

Say what you will about Planned Parenthood, but it’s still a place I like to support. One of my friends accidentally flushed her NuvaRing down the toilet after it fell out when she was on her period. To replace it was going to cost over $200. Planned Parenthood got her in the office as soon as possible and covered the cost of her IUD. No hoops to jump through. Just care. That’s what healthcare is all about. I’m thankful for a place I know people can go to in a time of urgent need, especially when it comes to things like reproductive care, which I care a lot about as someone who is childfree and hopes to stay that way. With the threat of defunding always around the corner, I urge you to think about all the women in your life Planned Parenthood has serviced. PP is also matching up to $100,000.

Lady Godiva’s Lavatorium has a mission of being revolutionary and I believe supporting these places could cause a great change in the world. While both of these organizations are geared toward supporting women, happy and healthy women lead to happy and healthy families. I hope you can find it in your heart to skip two morning coffee shop runs and give a bit this Tuesday.

What Lady Godiva's Lavatorium Means to Me

I Survived Black Friday and Cyber Monday: An Update on My Hiatus