Not Doing my Skincare Routine is My Favorite Form of Self-Sabotage

Hello, reader! Long time, no talk. I had a sudden burst of inspiration and have to tell you guys about it. I hope it’s okay that this is gonna count as our catch-up time. 

Between work, school, and relationships, something that can feel as luxurious as a skincare routine sometimes falls by the wayside. Unlucky for me, I have the type of skin that demands attention in the form of erupting in pimples all over if I skip a few days of my precious serums and moisturizers. But, lucky for me, I love having beauty problems to solve with my insane product collection. When I’ve neglected my skin for a while, I know exactly what to do to bring it back to life and maybe this can inspire you to wake up your skin and get her back into shape.

The first action I take is recommitting to my mainstay skincare routine because routines only work if you’re consistent with them. Looking in the mirror and seeing my usual bright complexion riddled with red spots is enough for me to stay dedicated. 

Next, I need to reset my skin by doing a bit of pampering. I start with a ten-minute steam and do some extractions around my nose and wherever I notice any clogged pores. Then I do a treatment like May Lidstrom’s Clean Dirt to chemically exfoliate and rinse away any of the remaining gunk. Side note: I recently got one of those As Seen on TV pore vacuums and it actually works. It’s also super fun to see your sebum getting sucked from your pores.

The last step is a bit of a bonus that I don’t always do, but definitely should because it makes a huge difference. Doing regular facial massages resets your skin by draining your lymphatic system in your face and getting blood flowing freely. The day after a facial massage, I always look in the mirror wowed at the clarity and brightness of my skin. Whether you do it with a roller, a gua sha, or with your hands doesn’t really matter and they all feel great. Here’s a DIY facial massage I love:

And that’s it. Go forth and be clear and regenerated.

How to Build a Skincare Routine for the Truly Clueless

Honest Hazel Founder, Catherine Scott, on How She Started and Where She is Now